Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Audience-humpty dumpty


The News bulletin is aimed at anyone who has been affected by the incident. It is formal and sophisticated so you could say young adults or older are the main audience. It will be on terrestrial channel so anyone has access to it. It will use facts and figures so young adults and older would appreciate it more than younger children however they too are not restricted from watching it.

Script-humpty dumpty


Matt – (sitting at desk) Hello and welcome to CDC News and one of todays top story’s is Humpty Dumpty’s Assassination. From an inside anonymous reporter we receive intelligence that Humpty was assassinated by a king’s men under the kings orders. Lets go to Stan the reporter on the scene of Dumpty's death.
//Cut to reporter//
Stan -  (walking toward camera) Hello, thanks matt. We have received evidence that show humpty Dumpty, the public speaker, has been assassinated. A king’s man has been taken in by the police as a suspected murderer however, don’t we all know who is the real murderer? The person in charge of the king’s men? The king himself. But the question we all pose… Why?
Stan – (Random filler shot) We have been given evidence on the murder from an anonymous insider about the assassination and also an eye witness who saw the entire thing. Unfortunately Mary and her little lamb cannot be here to present her evidence however she is happy for us to say it instead. According to Mary, one of the kings men pushed humpty of the wall while he was in the middle of a speech addressing the entire nation about segregation however when the king’s men went to “put him back together again” they were disposing of the evidence, wiping of finger prints and cleaning of skin cells.
Stan -(Filler shots) hundreds dead and thousands injured show the level of intensity shown by this murder. It has also affected parents and children as schools are closed and businesses are looted. Dan a father of two has been asked how this awful event has changed his life.
//dowdy man//
Matt – As you know schools are closed, I have to look after my 2 children on my own 24/7, its hard you know, its hard. I can barley afford to feed them as my shop has been looted. I cant afford anything anymore. I am living of scraps. It will cost to fix my shop, a lot.
//Filler shots//
Stan - This event has changed nearly everyone’s lifestyle in Eggtropolice from parents, to businessmen and even children. It has also changed the economical state of the City as many shops have been looted and businesses destroyed. We hope that this report has helped a lot and cleared up a few unsolved questions. This is Stan Gulliford CDC Eggtropolice. //Send off (look at street sign)//

Crew roles-humpty dumpty

Crew Role

·       Stan-Reporter
·       Matt-Anchor, Dan (dowdy man)
·       Jordan-Camera man, members of the public

Equipment/costume list-humpty dumpty

Equipment/costume list
·       Desk
·       Paper
·       Chair
·       Microphone
·       School uniform (look smart)
·       Casual jumper (peopling being interview)
·       Cap
·       Street sign
·       Glasses
·       Computer
·       Camera
·       Tripod
·       letters

interview questions and answers-humpty dumpty

Interview Questions
·       What did you feel like when you heard humpty had died?
Awful, one of the biggest figures of this century just gone. He brought hope to many of our lives
·       What was your reaction when you heard humpty was assassinated
Furious, how can someone want to murder an innocent man who was just trying to bring peace to our nation, I know who the evil, greedy king!
·       How has the war effected you?
Ummmm,(sad) well my wife, she was sadly taken from me early on, it only took one crack for her to leak and sadly die of egg lose

locations-humpty dumpty

Synposis-humpty dumpty

Synopsis: News Today will be looking into what really happened to humpty dumpty and how it’s devastated the nation. A short news bulletin will summarise what has happened. Firstly it was believed that humpty dumpty fell and that the king’s horses and kings men couldn’t put him together again. But the real story is that the king had him assassinated as humpty dumpty was trying to negotiate equality between the eggs and the king, so he ordered one of his men to kill him and when the king’s men were trying to “fix” him they were actually disposing of the evidence, Mary and her little lamb fortunately saw everything and released her information to the press weeks ago and outrage was felt in the whole nation resulting in the egg revolution. In the last 2 weeks eggtropolice has suffered 4,000,000 fatalities and many more injured, however there has been info from an anonymous insider that King may be surrendering soon.