Friday, 20 March 2015

Script for Pitch

Script for Pitch
Stan: Good Morning, we are Zephyr Advertising we are an innovative and creative team, who have worked with global brands such as ‘Apple’, ‘Heinz’, ‘Cadburys’ and ‘Sony’.
I’m Stan and we are going to introduce our new product Quantic Fresh,
Quantic Fresh is a new water sourced from Mount Hotaka, Japan. Through centuries of natural filtration through the rocks of Hotaka, our water is rich in nutrients and vitamins that will assist both body and soul.
We decided on this name as it is diverse, unique and fits our product as it connotes a crisp and clean experience. We particularly admired an oriental theme as it shows how the bottle is fresh and from a pure source, which is refined by nature and untouched by man until the very second you open the bottle. This we feel demonstrates how it is significantly of a higher standard than your average water bottle with the slogan also being “cleanse your mind”.
Elishia: I’m Elishia and I’m going to talk to you about our design. When we researched our main competitors we chose “Evian” This is because of how successful their water is and how now they are a household name.
Through our research we found out that Evian’s main way of advertising their product is through their slogan; ‘live young’ this implies that their water will keep you young and vital regardless of your age.
This makes the water very striking. We used this idea to help design our water bottle ‘Quantic Fresh’ with the slogan “Cleanse Your Mind” as it suggests it will help you relax and feel better due to where it’s from (Asian mountains). This fits perfectly with the stereotypical monk from Tibet and is also why we used this idea in our TV advert.
Rory: I’m Rory and I’m going to talk to you about our Target audience.
Our target audience is both young and old people with also no specific gender. Our Slogan firstly appeals to older audience as it gives them the impression the water is good for them it will help with digestion and will help them relax.
Our Advert then also appeals to younger people as the action featured in the advert implies that this water will help you stay fit and healthy. We have also produced some print adverts for you as shown in our power point. (Rory now shows his print ads that he made and talks about them)
Stan: (Stan now talks about his online advert and what sort of sight it would go on: YouTube, Facebook… due to their extreme popularity and how many people will see the advert and it does not matter which site it’s on as it appeals to all audiences)

Andrew: (Andrew now talks about and shows his train and bus advert, he then shows and talks about the marketing campaign and when done talks about the video and we show it) Thank you for listening